Tools to help you more easily create abundance in your life and business!

Soul Realignment™

This option is for those of you who don’t feel aligned to your soul’s purpose or are feeling like the same challenges keep stopping you again and again from getting the results you want.

Do you sometimes feel like there is “something more?” Are you interested in discovering more about yourself at a deeper level? Our soul’s origin reveals essential information that helps us understand ourselves at a profound level.

already seeing results!

“I had my Soul Realignment session only 3 days ago, and I’m already seeing results!  I feel so much better and my mind and heart are more peaceful.  This was just from the original session  - I haven’t even started the homework yet, so I can’t wait to see  what happens when I do!”

Nancy Johnson
Mary Kay

Manifesting Design

This is for those of you who keep unsuccessfully trying solutions that work for other people. Knowing how you are uniquely designed to manifest will help you create strategies that actually work for you!
Tools to help you more easily create abundance in your life and business!

What a difference a few months can make!

What a difference a few months can make!  Since doing my Soul Realignment and Manifesting Design sessions with Debbie, I feel so much better!

I feel better about myself and am more confident in my interactions with others in both my business and my personal life.  I’m attracting new clients, my sales have increased, and my relationship with my husband continues to improve.  I’m allowing myself to make my own choices and do things in a way that’s authentic to me. I feel empowered!

Joan Garber
Mary Kay Independent Sales Director

Property Clearing

Does your home or office space not feel quite “right?” Are you trying to sell a property without much success? Have you recently moved and want to clear the energies of previous residents? Over time, places and objects accumulate energetic residue that can create negative influences. Property clearing harmonize the environment.

I’m helping more people than ever before!

“I’ve cut my work time in half and have tripled my hourly income! I’m helping more people than ever before! My husband was able to leave his corporate job and join me in our dream business. I have more peace than I've ever had - I'm a better wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and much more effective at my work than ever! I love my life now and am experiencing the joy of the journey – energized by my days rather than exhausted by them!

Janelle Ragusa, Owner
Fit Bodies CrossFit & Personal Training