Tools to help you more easily create abundance in your life and business!

Soul Realignment™

This option is for those of you who don’t feel aligned to your soul’s purpose or are feeling like the same challenges keep stopping you again and again from getting the results you want.

Do you sometimes feel like there is “something more?” Are you interested in discovering more about yourself at a deeper level? Our soul’s origin reveals essential information that helps us understand ourselves at a profound level.

what a difference my Soul Realignment™ has made!

“Wow – what a difference my Soul Realignment™ has made! I have reconnected with Source and with my inner voice, and it's had a major impact on my life and business! I've replaced fears about business and finances with a strong faith in my divine gift and in the Universe. With that change, I’ve created opportunities in my business which have resulted in more than $5,000 in new business income in the last couple weeks alone! And I know that’s just the beginning of new results for me - with numerous leads on the horizon. I am BEing different, and my results are reflecting that!”

Kyla Ledlow, Founder and CEO

Manifesting Design

This is for those of you who keep unsuccessfully trying solutions that work for other people. Knowing how you are uniquely designed to manifest will help you create strategies that actually work for you!
Tools to help you more easily create abundance in your life and business!

With the shift in my energy, I’m having more new and returning clients ask to work with me

I’ve made a lot of new choices – both personally and professionally, since Debbie shared my Manifesting Design with me just a few weeks ago. I’m feeling much more calm and relaxed as I do things in a way that works for me. I feel so much more free to be myself, and as I do that, I’m getting much more done each day! I’m listening more and am changing the questions I ask myself, and that’s allowing me to see many more opportunities for me and my business. With the shift in my energy, I’m having more new and returning clients ask to work with me. And I’m taking new marketing actions which are creating new interest in my message and the services I offer. Perhaps most importantly, I now see that some of the things I used to view as weaknesses to be managed are actually gifts and strengths that I can honor and use to create the results I want in my life and business!

Joanne Gartner, PhD, CCHt
Author, Educator, Certified Hypnotherapist

Property Clearing

Does your home or office space not feel quite “right?” Are you trying to sell a property without much success? Have you recently moved and want to clear the energies of previous residents? Over time, places and objects accumulate energetic residue that can create negative influences. Property clearing harmonize the environment.

In just a few short weeks, I’ve manifested 3 new speaking gigs

“I am so happy I decided to work with Debbie and am proud of what I’ve created since she shared my Manifesting Design with me! I’ve gotten beyond my stuck-ness and am moving forward in my business. I’m listening to myself more, tapping into my creativity more regularly, and really bringing the energy of what I want into my daily actions. In just a few short weeks, I’ve manifested 3 new speaking gigs and have many more in the works. I’m more confident and have stopped the constant questioning of myself and my decisions. I’m more inspired and motivated, and that has resulted in me getting more done in my business!”

Shannon Wilson
Shannon Wilson Coaching