Debbie Delgado

You have an incredible gift to share with others.  I know that to be true, or you wouldn’t have attracted me and this newsletter into your life.

And the way you deliver that gift is through your business.  You have the ability to change other people’s lives through the product or service you provide.

In order for you to keep providing that product or service, you’ve got to be bringing money into your business so you can stay in business.  And increasing the number of people you serve will require even more money.

Another reason you became an entrepreneur was about creating the lifestyle you want.  Independence, flexibility, doing what you love for a living, having the things you want in your life, and giving generously are all important to you, right?

All of these things take money.  And there is plenty of it out there!  But, as a business owner, you are responsible for deciding how much you will make.

If you want to make more than you are currently making, try this:

Ask more people to buy.

It sounds very simple, doesn’t it?  And yet, many of you are not doing it.

I ask entrepreneurs constantly “How many people did you ask to buy this week?”, and I can’t tell you how many times I hear the answer “None.”

It’s a pretty simple equation, folks.  Depending on your audience for your product or service, your pricing, and your sales skills, you will need to ask a certain number of people to buy to make the money you want to make.  That number varies from business owner to business owner, but it’s not very hard to figure out what your number is.

Unfortunately, many people have mistakenly taken in the idea that if they sit around and visualize what they want all day, bags of money will drop through their ceiling into their lap without them having to actually do anything to make that happen.  I’m sorry, but it’s just not going to happen.

You own a business.  And you’re here to provide valuable help to people on this Planet.

In order for them to get that help, you have to ask them to buy.

And you may need to ask several people before you find one who is ready to say yes.

Are there other factors involved that can increase your success rate?  Of course.  Your belief system, who you are BEing, who you are asking, and your sales skills all come into play.

But it still comes down to you asking enough people to buy so that you can make the income you want.

Do you want to make more money in your business?

How many people will you ask to buy this week?

Are you ready to quit messing around and finally create the money and meaning you want in your business? Click here to see if a transformation session with Debbie will help!


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Debbie Delgado’s mission is to help you transform your worry and frustration about your business into Money and Meaning! Ready to leave distraction behind and focus on what’s really important to you? Get started now! Don’t miss this chance to learn from Debbie absolutely FREE — Get FREE Access Now!