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I hear it all the time from business owners when I ask about their business challenges.  Stories about how their business income has suffered for months or sometimes even years because of a family crisis of some kind – the death of a parent, an ugly divorce, etc.

Interestingly, I’m participating in a telesummit next week called “New Rules for Your Life and Business,” and I’m going to share about how the rules that make you successful in the employee world will absolutely kill you in the entrepreneur world. And this topic of distraction brings to mind one of those rules.

When you were an employee working for someone else, you probably did have the luxury of putting aside your work when you had a personal crisis.  You may have had paid time off, or even if you didn’t, you would still be paid even if you showed up as less than your ideal self.

As a business owner, you very likely don’t enjoy that same luxury.  Unless you have built your business to the point where you have a team that can totally run the business even when you’re absent, you simply have to show up in order to keep your business income coming in!

I’ve heard people say that owning your own business is one of the biggest personal growth experiences you will ever experience.  And for me, it is right up there with becoming a parent!  The personal growth required to be a successful entrepreneur is incredible.  You have to move from dependence to absolute responsibility for every result you get.

And one of the changes required is the ability to work your business – even when “life” happens.

So allow me to share 3 essentials you must have in place to prevent a personal crisis from “taking your business down.”

Essential #1:  Have at least one team member in place in your business.

Even a virtual assistant to keep the administrative parts of your business running if you are unable to work for a day or two.  This person can reschedule your appointments and make sure administrative tasks get done so you can focus totally on quickly dealing with your crisis and get resources in place that will allow you to get back to your business as soon as possible.

Essential #2:  Always be working on your personal growth and consciousness. 

Entrepreneurial success requires a level of emotional maturity that most people never reach.  And not just in dealing with personal crises – it is critical for doing the things you must do to bring money into your business on a daily basis.  There is a reason that most people won’t do what it takes to make it in business!  The personal growth required is a daily commitment.

And yes, this commitment often requires you to invest time, energy and money.  You must be willing to do things other people aren’t willing to do if you want results that most people will never have.  You must rise above the easy excuses that most people use and leave behind the “stories” that most people hang onto.

Essential #3:  Make the decision to work your business anyway.

You must decide that your business mission is incredibly important and that you are here to make a difference – not just when it’s convenient and life is easy – but even when life gets chaotic and messy.   And this requires a commitment that many people simply will not make.  By becoming an entrepreneur, you’ve decided that you want something more than most people have – freedom, independence, and unlimited income potential.  And that comes with a price – you must also reach the emotional maturity level that is required to “meet” that level of success.

Today is a new day.  Regardless of how you’ve handled personal issues as a business owner in the past, you can make a new choice moving forward.  Will you be who you need to be to reach the level of success you want in your business?

Will you choose to be bigger than the life events that stop most people?

In a hurry to become who you need to be to multiply your impact and income?  Apply for a Multiply Your Income & Impact Strategy call with Debbie!

You have my permission to use this article. All I ask is that you include the following at the end: Debbie Delgado’s mission is to help you transform your worry and frustration about your business into Money and Meaning! Ready to leave distraction behind and focus on what’s really important to you? Get started now! Don’t miss this chance to learn from Debbie absolutely FREE — Get FREE Access Now!