I’ve heard from a lot of women business owners this past week as on my speaking and sponsorship “road tour”! I’ve met so many incredible women and taken the opportunity to talk to them about what they really want to create in their businesses, and I’ve noticed an area where many are falling short. It’s […]
Is Your Fear of Rejection Hurting Your Business?
When you receive this, I’ll be sponsoring and speaking at David Neagle’s Breaking Free Live event in Los Angeles. David has invited me to share my story from the stage — how I’ve had to break free of my fear of rejection in order to play big in my business and mission. I had to […]
Will You Achieve Your Business Vision OR Rationalize Your Current Situation?
I’ve been witnessing a disturbing trend among entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” over the last few weeks! And it breaks my heart. I talk to people every day who have incredible life and business visions. Talented people who want to share their gifts with the world. And the fact is, with the right support and action, they […]
Why Playing it Safe is Keeping You Poor
“Safety is for children. Choice is for adults.” — David Neagle I talk to people everyday who want to change something in their life or business. And the people who say yes to the opportunities to grow create incredible results. You want to accomplish something amazing with your life, or you wouldn’t even be one […]